17 Motivational Quotes from 21st Century Opinion Leaders

We are living in a time where almost everyone in the world including young children are stressed and overwhelmed. Even with the best strategies, stress cannot be avoided completely. This makes us look for new stronger ways to escape or handle the pressure.

Most of the time, we tend to feel isolated when dealing with our problems. We may feel our family and friends are distancing themselves from us in times of need. However, they too are dealing with their problems.

As we try to solve our problems, we come across motivational quotes that keep us going during the tough times. Most of these quotes have ended up becoming a huge component of vocabulary in the modern world. Everyone needs some inspiration to keep moving forward.

Motivational quotes provide us with short bursts of wisdom to help us stay focused while offering inspiration so that we can help others. Motivational quotes will help you achieve your goals during tough times. If someone else did it in much more difficult circumstances than you, then you can do it.

Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, you can access motivational quotes on social media platforms and websites easily and quickly.

Motivational quotes can change your life

How can motivational quotes change or improve the quality of your life? If you’ve been wondering why some people are obsessed with motivational quotes, we are here to answer your question.

1. They help you stay positive

In our world today, it’s easier to think negatively than positively. This because most of the people are so focused on their problems than looking for solutions. The people you associate with greatly determine how you think. And you become what you think.

Staying positive is the key to achieving your goals and living a successful life. Therefore, when you find yourself thinking about your problems, motivational quotes will not only challenge you to look for a solution but also stay positive in the long run.

2. It’s never too late

Motivational quotes help you see your mistakes as learning experiences and no wastage of time and resources. The wise masters have always taught that everything is a learning experience.

After all, you were born with nothing. Anything that you manage to get in life whether good or bad is a learning experience. Instead of spending so much time in the past, we can move past our regrets by learning from our mistakes.

17 powerful motivational quotes

Now that you know the benefits of motivational quotes, it’s time to share with you seventeen powerful motivational quotes that we’ve been recording over the years. These quotes will transform your life and increase your chances of becoming successful.

1. Your limitation is only your imagination

Most of the time we tend to magnify our limitations. And this makes it harder for us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. To achieve your goals, you have to use your imagination in the right way. Imagination is a tool. And like all other tools, you have to use it rightly to get the results you want. You’ve probably heard or read about the law of cause and effect or the law of sowing and reaping.

These laws state that every effect can be traced back to a cause and you reap whatever you sow. Your imagination is a tool that helps you project possibilities in the future.

2. Push yourself because no one will do it for you

We are all guilty of trying to rely on others to achieve our goals. Relying on others will drag you down like a sea anchor. And this is not because people hate you. They too are dealing with their problems. Your problems are a secondary concern to them. Self-reliance is the key to success.

Keep in mind that people are going to disappoint you if you start relying on them too much. If it’s important to you, you just have to do it yourself. Doing everything alone is not easy but you can be sure that the work will get done. You have all it takes to be successful. Just do it now

Most of the time, we tend to procrastinate for no good reason at all. The most important activities or tasks are usually hard however; they pay off in spades in the long run. On the other hand, less important activities are usually easy and fun. But they usually result in long-term pain.

For instance, it’s easier to watch our favorite TV show than work on a project. It’s easier to play video games at night than reading a book. When we procrastinate, it’s highly likely that we’ll never do the things that will help us achieve our goals.

Instead of postponing and having a lot of things to do in the future, why don’t you do it now? Remember, procrastination is a habit. The more you put off things, the harder it will be to do them.

Focus on your goals, not obstacles

3. Great things cannot be achieved in the comfort zone

Playing it safe won’t help you achieve your goals. Since history is a great teacher, you can always learn from the people you look up to in society. These people failed more times than the average failure because they resolved to get out of their comfort zones. And it paid in the long run.

In the comfort zone, you cannot experience anything new. This means that you cannot learn anything new. Success is about using what you know to achieve your goals.

It’s highly likely that you already know what you need to do to achieve your goals. But living in the comfort zone is preventing you from experiencing and learning new things. If you want to achieve your goals, get out of the comfort zone today by doing things you’ve never done before.

4. You have to go out and find success

You cannot be successful by just dreaming of the things you want and doing nothing. Taking action plays a critical role. There is a huge difference between thinking of the walk and walking the walk. Success only finds people who know what they want and take action. Dreaming is an essential part but it’s not enough alone.

5. The harder you work, the luckier you get

To achieve your goals, you have to pay the price. As the popular saying goes, there is no such thing as something for nothing in this world. You have to start earlier, work harder and stay later if you want to achieve more than the average person. If you think being successful is hard, try being a failure.

Great things cannot be achieved in the comfort zone

6. Don’t stop when you are tired

As you work hard to achieve your goals, the urge to stop when you get tired is strong. However, you should train yourself to stop when you’ve completed your work. Don’t allow your mind to control you.

7. Wake up with determination and sleep with satisfaction

Waking up with a purpose and determination will greatly increase your chances of success. Consider writing your purpose on a piece of paper and keeping it close during the day. When going to bed, sleep with the satisfaction that you did all you could to achieve your goal.

8. Little victories add up to big victories

It’s easy to ignore the little victories since we are so focused on the big victory. However, small victories add up to big victories over time. Therefore, enjoy the small victories that you experience every day.

9. Don’t wait for opportunities. Create them

Opportunities are always around you all the time. The problem is you don’t see them because you are overly focused on future opportunities. You have all you need to move to the next level.

10. Focus on your goals, not obstacles

You become what you think about all day long. The more you think about your problems, the more you attract them into your life. Instead of being focused on your problems, think about your goals.

Don’t wait for opportunities. Create them

11. Keep your fears to yourself. Share your courage with others

In a world where everyone is trying to solve their problems, the last thing that other people want is to feel more burdened by your problems. Instead of sharing your fears, share your courage. You’ll end up having more friends.

12. Be unique and shine your way

Conformity is among the top reasons why most people are not unlocking their potential and achieving their goals. You are special and unique. No one will ever experience life like you. Why should you copy others?

13. Together we can do great things

To be successful, you’ll have to cooperate with others. As the popular saying goes, no man is an island. You cannot do everything alone. Working with people who share common beliefs and values will accelerate your rate of success.

14. Innovation is the difference between a leader and a follower

It’s always important to think of new and better ways of doing things. Don’t sit and wait for others to think. No one is better or smarter than you.

15. Leaders are readers

The people who become successful never stop improving themselves. And so should you. Reading is essential if you want to develop and improve your skills. The more skills you have, the more people will pay you.

16. Life is fragile

At the end of the day, we are here to live happy blissful lives. Don’t sacrifice your peace of mind or happiness for anything. Life is fragile. Live to the fullest every minute.


We’ve witnessed an explosion of motivational quotes in the 21st century thanks to the rapid advancement of technology. Every day, we have complex problems that need to be solved. By reading these quotes every day, we’ll make better decisions and become better people. The world is your mirror.


Author Bio:

Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works at essay writing service and dissertation writing services. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts with essay writers and discovers new aspects of human existence every day.